Base Stations & Network Licenses

Description of Base Stations & Network Licenses here…

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Overview & Why choose Us

Intelligent Construction solutions (ICS) are an innovative company that will improve the efficiency and productivity of current construction work flows.

We are able to achieve this by using the most up to date Drone surveying technology and software.  Intelligent Construction Solutions (ICS) provides a variety of services including topographical land surveys, site setting out, 3D computer modelling, machine control and earthworks management to the construction sector.




Our Clients

We strive to put our customers first and offer customers a flexible, friendly service at competitive rates.

Our Partners

Here at Intelligent Construction solutions (ICS) we are partners with:


Give us a call today to discuss your needs or get in touch below.

Construction Line CITB Ice

This project was part-funded under Priority 6 (Leader) of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the European Union.

the Mourne, Gullion and Lecale Rural Development logo the DAERA logo the RDP logo the standard EU Logo (EU Flag) the LEADER logo Newry, Mourne and Down District council logo